About Us

The People We Support
PHSS supports people with a wide range of needs; we recognize the special attributes of each individual and their unique characteristics, and tailor the support offered to meet each individual’s needs.
Many of the people we support have very complex needs, including people who are ventilator dependent and/or medically fragile. This vulnerable population would otherwise be living in a stable condition within the Intensive Care Unit within a hospital because it is the traditional location to receive the care they require. Through partnerships, we were able to develop a framework for supporting people with complex needs within the community, resulting in an incredible increase in the quality of life.
The goal of PHSS is to be a secondary support to individuals in conjunction with their families, friends and community. People supported are encouraged to be active decision-makers in determining the role they wish to play in their community. Individuals have the freedom to change their support options as required.
“The men, women and children we support have very unique gifts and talents, but until you get to know them, you don’t see those gifts. They can teach us so many things if we only take the time to listen. Ultimately, our goal is to make the community a better place by bringing them into it more fully. It’s all about people valuing each other.”