Support Services

Support Principles
We believe…
- being a valued, participating member of a community improves quality of life.
- everyone has the right to live with dignity in an enriching environment.
- in encouraging and assisting individuals to make their own decisions, including the supports that are right for them.
- family and friends play an important role in supporting and advocating for loved ones.
- in supporting individuals to strengthen their relationships with family and friends.
- in the development of communities that are interdependent, mutually supportive, and responsive to the needs of all members.
- individuals have the right to those supports necessary to be active and valued members of the community.
- funding should be based on the individual’s needs.
- continuous quality improvement and innovation are integral to improving support.
Note: These statements are Board driven; they represent commitments to the individuals we support.
Operational Principles
We believe…
- trust, honesty and mutual respect are fundamental for people to work together effectively.
- teamwork and participation are essential and promote belonging, self-worth and commitment.
- creativity and innovation are necessary to achieve excellence.
- in the expression and discussion of differing views.
- every staff member has valuable contributions to make to the organization and a responsibility to support individuals in their growth and development.
- delegation of responsibility must be accompanied by the associated authority to make decisions.
- supported individuals affected by a decision must be involved in the decision-making process.
- in recognizing the efforts and achievements of staff members.
Note: These statements represent Management commitments.