Support Services

PHSS Support Services are funded through two government ministries: The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, and through the Ministry of Health. Individuals and/or families wishing to apply for services are encouraged to reach out to the following agencies to ensure referrals are made for all appropriate services.

For adult individuals with developmental disabilities seeking support:
Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) is the access point for adult developmental services funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services in Ontario. There are 9 DSO locations operating regionally across the province.
All requests for support services, including the Passport program, respite, or housing supports must be made through DSO.
If you and/or your family member are not yet connected to DSO, please reach out to your local office for an application and assessment. This process can be started online by clicking here. DSO will advise on the necessary documentation and steps to take to complete the intake process. Once completed, you will be assigned a DSO Service Navigator who can help with making referrals to the desired waitlists for support services.
For those already connected with DSO, please reach out to your local office and confirm with your service navigator that all referrals have been made to the desired waitlists. It is highly recommended that DSO is kept updated on all significant changes in support needs, including health and/or behaviour support updates, address changes, and factors impacting caregiver wellbeing.
To learn more about DSO and find the local office for your region, visit

For adults with physical disabilities/ complex medical needs seeking support:
Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS) is the access point for services provided by the Ministry of Health. There are 14 HCCSS regional offices across the province.
Individuals with physical disabilities and/or complex medical needs (including those who are medically fragile and technologically dependent and/or ventilator dependent) who are seeking support services must apply through Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS). Individuals are able to self-refer to this service, or may be referred through a medical professional or agency. The referral process can be started by calling 310-2222 (no area code required) or by submitting a referral form to your local office.
For more information on how to complete a referral, please click here.
If you already receive services funded through HCCSS, contact your care coordinator to confirm that all relevant referrals have been made to PHSS>
HCCSS South West Region – 1-800-811-5146 (toll-free in Canada)
HCCSS Champlain – 1-800-538-0520 (toll-free in Canada)
Click here to find your regional HCCSS office.

Day Supports
PHSS day supports offer a full-day, flexible program option for adults who:
- Are living at home with their families;
- Are not receiving or are not eligible for educational supports;
- Are not able to access existing community programs, supports or services because of their complex/significant medical needs.
To apply for day support services, download the application and forward the completed form to the PHSS Family Resource Lead at:
Families are welcome to call PHSS directly for information about the services offered:
Nadine Hiemstra
Family Resource Lead
519-660-6635 ext. 267