Montcalm High School in London, ON has developed a PSW program, designed to attract students to the support worker field. Through their eight-week placements, students receive first-hand experience and training to become a certified support worker, and learn that it is more than just providing care… they make incredible connections with people and contribute to enriching people’s lives!
What started as an idea and a connection made through Dave Wighton (Community Development/Volunteer Coordinator) two years ago, has become a new partnership between PHSS and this exciting new program! Stacey Sutton, Senior Coordinator, has connected with Sandra Briars at Montcalm High School to place 7 students in the program at PHSS locations throughout the city to gain experience as support workers. But what they are learning is more than just care… they are learning to build relationships, find ways to participate in the community, and develop true and meaningful connections with the people we support.
Fiona, one student from the program who was interviewed, truly connected with Damon and Trent, the gentlemen who live on Springbank, where Fiona’s placement took place. A big shout out to Linda and her staff team for creating such an open, welcoming and creative environment – it truly enabled Fiona to learn more than just how to provide care.
Sandra has also expressed interest in partnering exclusively with PHSS and Kensington Village for student placements, and we have been able to connect with Careers classes to introduce students to the support services sector early in their education. We are pleased to be a partner with this innovative program and help bring new talent into the field!
Listen to the recorded CBC interview:
Check out the full CBC article at:
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