This workshop will explore the power of sharing your story – helping families understand that small actions can make big changes. You never know who is listening and where it will go – creating a ripple effect. Topics in the workshop include:


  • Understanding your audience, how they receive information, what information they need and their ability to act upon what you’re sharing
  • The role of emotions and value based communications
  • What do you want the listener to do with what you are telling them


  • Personal (one-on-one conversations) – with family members, in the workplace, with friends and colleagues
  • Local – education and engagement within your community
  • Regional – contributing your voice at a county or state level
  • Federal – speaking to government, advocating for nation-wide programs and policy



Please contact Amanda Bartlett-Hindley at amandab@phsscommunity.com or 519-660-6635 x254.


About the Trainer: Cynthia Lockrey. Cynthia is a changemaker and communications expert who shifts people, teams, organizations and cultures to go from overwhelmed to clear and activated through writing, speaking, training and coaching.  With her experience raising a child with special needs, Cynthia is also a patient advocate and patient advisor in Ontario and British Columbia.




  • Date: 24/11/2021
  • Start Time: 6:30 pm
  • End Time: 8:30 pm
  • Long Address: Community Place North - 1796 Adelaide St. North, London, ON
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