Astronomy in Action

Did you hear about our newest adventure? 🚀

May 12th and 13th – participants in Love the World, Experience the World had the opportunity to take space exploration to the next level!

By partnering with Astronomy in Action for an AMAZING 360 degree planetarium dome, participants used Virtual Reality to learn about the astronauts at the International Space Station, solar system, and constellations! It really gives “reach for the stars” a whole new meaning!

A big thank you to Astronomy in Action for this experience – it was truly out of this world!

Check out some of the amazing photos captured from the live VR experience!

Check out the video below for a planetarium preview!

Triage Advocacy

Triage Advocacy

PHSS and our partners have sent the attached release to our Mayors, City Councils, MPs and MPPs, our networks, and media contacts, asking them to lend their collective voices to advocate for the health and safety of the people we support. Please feel free to share...

COVID-19 Vaccine Information Sessions

COVID-19 Vaccine Information Sessions

PHSS has partnered with Dr. Faisal Rehman, Professor of Medicine and Site Chief of Medicine at University Hospital, to provide four information-packed 30 minute drop-in COVID-19 vaccination information sessions. Learn more, ask questions, and get honest answers:...

Thank You To Our Staff Members!

Thank You To Our Staff Members!

From the people we support, THANK YOU to all our staff members!! You have been calm and creative during this pandemic, and stepping up to ensure that everyone receives the supports they need during this time. #BestStaffEver #EssentialWorkers #InThisTogether

Finding New Ways To Connect

Finding New Ways To Connect

During this challenging time, friends and family are finding new ways to connect. Thank you to all families for understanding, being creative in communicating, as well as respecting our physical spaces! Janet’s sister, Nancy, stopped by for a window visit; Amy and her...

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