About Us
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion
PHSS is an Employer Partner with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) which provides us with a number of benefits that will support us on our diversity and inclusion journey. The following benefits are available:
- CCDI monthly newsletter – Diversity Ink. CCDI’s monthly newsletter provides information about CCDI events and research, and other pertinent news from the Canadian diversity and inclusion realm. Click here and provide your contact information to subscribe. Also, you can view past editions of their Diversity Ink newsletter here.
- CCDI Knowledge Repository. As part of the “Members Only” portal on their website, CCDI has an e-library with over 1,000 documents containing Canadian-specific and international diversity and inclusion research, reports, toolkits and news, which are indexed and searchable by multiple parameters (e.g. by keyword, by topic, etc.). This e-library is an evergreen resource and new content is continually being added. If you would like access to the Knowledge Repository, you can self-register here.
- CCDI monthly webinars. CCDI offers educational webinars which are free for all of our employees. Click here to see a list of topics and dates. Previously recorded webinars can be accessed via the Knowledge Repository.
About CCDI
CCDI is a unique national charity that promotes diversity and inclusion in Canadian workplaces.
Our mission is to help our Employer Partners and individual practitioners achieve significant differences in their organizational performance by providing them with the tools, knowledge and information, and education to create more inclusive workplaces.
Our vision is to be the trusted advisor for diversity and inclusion, human rights and equity, and human resources practitioners, and the most recognized organization for diversity and inclusion in Canada’s workplaces.
CCDI ties together traditional business strategy and consulting with innovative research, technology and data analysis with social purpose. As a charitable organization that thinks like a business, learning infuses CCDI’s products, services and events.
Ontario Health Teams
Ontario Health Teams are being introduced to provide a new way of organizing and delivering care that is more connected to people in their local communities. Under Ontario Health Teams, health care providers (including hospitals, doctors and home and community care providers) will aim to work as one coordinated team.
It is a time of great change in the healthcare sector, and PHSS has worked diligently to be part of the discussion and ensure that our complex population has a voice at the table. We are proud to be members of: