Brian Orr


Catherine Sexton


Margaret Szilassy

Vice Chair

Linda Coffin


Maureen Reid


Maria Sinosic

Elizabeth Wasko

Dianne Elliott

Donna Ladouceur

Laurie Gould

Lisa Mills

Carol Perks

Suzanne McKenna

Brian Dunne


Marian Strom

Ex-Officio - Foundation Board Chair

Deborah Jazey

Honorary Member

To contact the Board of Directors, please contact Chantelle Plaine:


Brian Dunne

President & CEO

Shannon Riley

Executive Lead - Services

Katie Coughlin

Executive Lead - Corporate Services

Donnie Antony

Executive Lead - New Directions and Opportunities

Dan Flaherty

Executive Lead - Communications and Strategic Initiatives

PHSS is responsible and accountable to our stakeholders. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who are representative of our community and led by a team of professionals who are dedicated to encouraging and creating an inclusive community.

We believe the process of accountability does not insist on a defined set of rules but remains flexible in order to meet the changing needs of those we support.

Individuals we support, their family members, their advocates or staff may approach the Board of Directors and/or the leadership team, either collectively or individually, in a manner they find comfortable and natural. This is intended to ensure concerns are addressed and our system is open and responsive. It is our aim to find solutions not fault.

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